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Showing posts from October, 2021
  Droplet like clear pearls, On objects dead or alive, A celebration of life, Of the present winds and past twirls. A bead on parched sand, Vanishes into neverland, A blob on the forest floor, Springs out trees many more. A globule of purity, A mouthful of integrity, Seeps back in the ebbing fire, Creeps out the dark mire. A driblet to fight, A drop to forgive, A glob to keep humanity in sight, A dewdrop to survive.
A delicate bouquet, Dozen red roses, Each striking special poses, For the dreamy romantic. As if to say, I appreciate you night and day, A mutual respect until infinity, An association for perceptuality.
 A pink light, Alone in a moonless night, Oozing femininity, A youth's innocent vulnerability, Petal's emitting a peaceful calm, To all girls receiving nurture and charm.
  Sun peeping through the cloud,  Through the fanning palm moving about,  Like an orange streak with an oil pastel, Like spilled soup from a large ladle. Moon making it's presence while dark light subsides, Redefining it's essence as life creates surprises, Like a  silver coin on a grey cloth label,  Like a drop of milk on a mahogany table, Lights from east merging with west, Enlightening the colossal tower at its best, Effects of the display are dramatic, Results on the viewers are optimistic.
 A fruit within the fruit,  All but have the same root, When ripened to its elements,  Comes off in segments, Like stages of an alive being, Each layer cover with sweet pulp, Individual high and low of living,   Life is not lived in one gulp.
  Fog of cold,  Cloud the vision's hold,  Nip in the air,  Makes daily walk a scare, So cover self with warm imprints, Then venture to make new footprints.
  With each height attained, There is a fear of depth intertwined, The trick is balancing on the ledge, With arms open to ride the down sledge.
 Fuzz ball like white cotton candy, Are you feathers of a plump bird perched dainty,  Are you pesky pixies planning a fight,  Or are you petal surrounding the orange bright, A whispery breeze and you take to the sky,  Twirling around trees high,  Whoever you might be,  Gyrating beauty is all we see, Making dancers of us humans,  Smiling all the way till no remorse remains.
Six petals for six senses,  Each knocking you off sleepy fences,  Opens your eyes to a vibrant hue,  Feel you could smell even the dew.  Hear the petals whisper to each other,  As they pass over hands soft as feather,  With the words the culminate with gentle action, For simplicity of tulips evoke care and compassion.
 Pretty white with pink tip,  Where did you go for a dip,  With a pretty yellow crown, You sport a head brown, Did a bumblebee  bee enter,  To make a home in the nectar, Is this the reason for your impulsive smile,  That travel for many a infectious mile.
Resting on a thorny bush,  Calming down the impulsive rush,  I'm a yellow browed tit,  Among the might oak I fit,  A sharp 'tis' note is my call,  I travel to the plains when snowfall,  Seeds of Rhododendron are my main diet,  I simply love the peace and quiet,  Thought you city folks should know, Came all the way from Kedarnath to tell you so.
 Beetles from shiny land, Skittering about in my garden band, Busily checking under each leaf, Wondering where to setup a family brief, Each one to their own blade, Yet  next to another mite of same shade.
 A lonely look in forest green,  Where every other creature is big and mean,  Takes a busy robin to reiterate, Keeping busy is equivalent to meditate, So find your favourite grub,   Amount the densest shrub,  Tweet the loudest, When you are the saddest, Let actions be your surf board,  Among the words that expel sword,  Chose a path for sanity,  Stay the course through all adversity.  Believe in an almighty, To tide over profanity.
A slash of pink above the brown marsh,  Symbol of endurance of the harsh,  Wrapped within, are notes of peaceful chorus, I'm am the longevity lotus.  A blade of green in an carpet of white,  Raising a hand after a fight,  Followed by an army of  exceptional class,  I'm am a bare blade of grass. Beat of the tiny heart by default,  necessitated by the night's halt,  Invisible wing flapping around the daylight world,  For it am a hovering hummingbird. A race to the teeming ocean,  To take draught of the magic portion, An unsupervised hurdle, A newborn tiny Turtle. Many a possible tales,  Of little creatures thriving, With courage size of whales, Little lives, who usher life fighting.
 Pastel zinnias over a table round ,  A shiny cup of hot brew,  Together with pink roses to surrounds,  On the early morning dew.  A ray of sunshine smiling in,  Pragmatic way to usher the day's din.
Peeking pink and white,  Flowers in a white mug,  Dainty blooms smiling bright,  A perfect picture for a Sunday snug. Little spurs of lavender, Thin flowerets of purple candour, Adding fragrance to the air,  Mindful of looming week's fanfare.
  Budding flowers of the future, Open to the beautiful nature,  Do not keep your thoughts to within, Express yourself over the tedious din, Bloom ever so gradually,  So that you are appreciated eventually.
Sun's orange glow Geminating from the core Is it a message of the radiant petals A signal from delicate sepals Mankind, be mindful  Of creations so beautiful
 Tulip lane,  Breaks down mundane,  A colours burst,  This week's first, Interwoven green,  Long leaves of serene. Rows of trees, Attending to living needs, Bears nourishing fruits, Yet grounded in in its roots, Lived for aeons,  Hope and home for all neos.
  Numerous roses in shades of pink, A visual treat to the mind the brink, Each flower wrapped in layers of memory,  Each petal emanating fragrance of fantasy,  Yet the leaves green,  Remind you of the world mean,  A posy of florets in lavender,  To forge ahead without surrender.
  Sprouts of colours in a sea of green,  Transparent blue reflecting the sky seen,  A dash of red, a streak of yellow,  For the omnipresent nature, is always mellow. Learn from the earth's core,  It teaches to share more,  Never does it complain, Completing it's numerous tasks plain. Never heard it swear,  Even though man has striped it bare, Like nature, can we forgive our past!  For the learning from present to last. Look beyond the petals of kindness, An ocean of opportunity surround us,  Nurture dreams and goals,  Plants a few ideas that enrich many souls.
Paper thin flower stares back at the sun, Veined petals open wide for fun, Calling in all the wasps and bees,  To collect fresh stocks for free. Resembles loudspeakers from galaxies afar, As if Opening the universe's gate ajar, Disclosing latest worldly newscast, Or announcing tittle-tattles of the past.
 Peeking pink and white,  Flowers in a white mug,  Dainty blooms smiling bright,  A perfect picture for a sunday snug. Little spurs of lavender, Thin flowerets of purple candour, Adding fragrance to the air,  Mindful of looming week's fanfare.
  Elegant and composed,  Takes a lot to get deposed, Blooms that cheer a million faces,  Roses thrived through many ages. A multi layered focus, Around core of tough hub,  A colourful defense for a locus, That withstands any snub. Hardy as they seems to be,  Roses wilt away in adversity,  All its thorny persona cannot repel, The collective cynicism world expel. A rosy coating for every adversity, A petaled covering for any hostility, Gives life a chance to win,  A reason to smile from within.
Red and black ,olive and grey, I have travelled a long way,  Small as I might be,  I collect nectar from  many,  Feisty and fast, I leave nothing for last. I am from Micronesia islands, I live in moist lowlands, Cardinal Myzomela is my name, Help me! As brown tree snake brought about my end game.
Lean and tall,  Bi-coloured flowers that fall,  Hidden within its breaches,  Are best of nature's winged creatures,  A flutter here,  A splash of polka there,  Look!, There are many a butterflies,  All along the creeper reaching for the skies.
  Immortalise birds of superior class, Images painted on wine glass, Over the chatter, they hover and hum, Soaring above the social creame.  With beaks full of Beechnuts and acron, As ripples of purple rise, the BlueJay is gone, Dressed in cool colours of indigo and blue, Through the clinking glass, the image is squewed. As the clear aqueous babbles, A spotted Munia in grasslands travels, With a seed from here, a berry from there,  This small bird inhabits plains flat lands. A constant hum surround, Over the gurgling liquor all around, A hummingbird hovers over the flora it seeks, Taking pure sweetness in its beak.  A repetitive chatter, Over the precious goblet's clatter, A fiery red parakeet, perched on wine glass, Holding court with the tipsy class.